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The project's objective is to contribute to the research tools of artificial intelligence and computer vision applied in the early warning of infectio


Il progetto in breve

Opportunities: Community health programs currently exist within Health Programs in Peru that address diseases like tuberculosis, diarrhoeal infections, immunizations and upper respiratory infections. Community health programs are centered on a health promoter, who is a member of the community, and usually a leader of local organizations (e.g. mother’s clubs or nutritional organizations like the“cup of milk”program). The main role of the promoter is to interact with community leaders outside the health centers to coordinate the activities of these centers:
•Increase the knowledge of TB in the community 
•Increase the knowledge of research in the community 
•Increase knowledge about research conducted by UPCH in the district
• Promote community participation in the control of TB transmission.
We expect that the community leaders trained, will transmit the information to their communities.
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